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Art Curriculum

At St Peter and St Paul CE VA Primary School, Art is a key part of our school culture that everyone loves and values.  This subject stands out for its creativity and excitement, making it a favourite with the whole school community.  Our curriculum offer has been carefully designed and well-resourced to ensure memorable learning experiences so that as children progress through the school, they increasingly consider themselves as artists.

Our Art & Design curriculum has three core areas; Drawing, Colour, Painting & Printing and Sculpture & 3D.  Each year all year groups study at least one famous artist such as Steven Wiltshire, Rousseau, Lichtenstein and Escher.

Our spiral curriculum provides children with plentiful opportunities to develop as artists.  Year on year children revisit and progress their skills, building their knowledge of techniques within our core areas and their familiarity with a range of famous artists.

We also see Art as a powerful way of enriching and extending our curriculum.  Throughout the year we seize opportunities to link art with other subject areas and take part in local initiatives and events that broaden children’s artistic experiences.  Recent examples of this have included art linked with poetry during a poetry week, sculpture workshops for Year 5 children at the De La Warr Pavilion and exhibiting children’s artwork on the footbridge at Bexhill station.

At the end of each year, we hold a school 'Celebration Week' where art in its widest form is the focus for all children.  The work produced during this time is stunning and the skills and enthusiasm of the children are highly evident (as are those of the teachers).  The work is used to turn the school into a giant, walk-through Art Gallery.

For the last seven years, we have employed the services of a professional artist, who provides lessons and clubs for the children, as well as a Teacher's Club.  This allows all to have the opportunity to grow their skills and talents.  He provides termly awards for outstanding art achievement.

Our cross curricular approach and strong promotion of art has led to the school achieving a 'gold' Artsmark.

To see an overview of our art and design curriculum and the progression of knowledge, skills and vocabularly within it click here.

Click here to see our Art Policy.

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