Governor Information
In the interest of transparency, from September 2015, school governors are required to complete a Declaration of Interests on an annual basis.
An 'interest' is a situation where a Governor may be affected personally or financially (directly or through a relative or colleague) or in any other way by a decision made in a governors meeting.
The Governor Information and Register of Interests for 2024-25 can be viewed here.
Foundation Governors
These governors are approved by the Diocese and represent the 5 churches which historically set up our school - St Peter’s, St Stephen’s, St Barnabas’, St Michael’s & St Augustine’s:
Mrs Ruth Elias - Chair
Mr Nigel Ball - Co-Chair of Resources Committee
Mrs Karline Botha - Chair of Ethos & Worship Committee
Reverend Kevan Robinson
Reverend Mel Durrant
Mrs Anna Tyler
Reverend Zoe Eborn
Automatically granted to the Rector of St Peter’s Church:
Reverend Dr Stephen Need
Local Authority Governor
Mrs Andrea Harwood
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Sophie Ellis-Gilchrist - Co-Vice Chair
Parent Governors
Mrs Gemma Newstead - Co-Chair of Resources Committee
Mr Ryan Ellis - Co-Vice Chair
Associate Members
Mrs Angie Ford
Mr Daniel Eldridge
Mrs Hazel Wood
Mr Adrian Whiting
(Associate Members have no voting rights)
Staff Governors
Miss Kerry Jupp
Mrs Angela Hamill
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Ann Craddock